SECOBRA: A Growing Partnership

The name SECOBRA stands for Société d’Encouragement à la Culture d’Orges BRAssicoles (Company for the Promotion of Malting Barley). SECOBRA operates breeding programmes in France, Germany, Scandinavia, Australia and the UK, focusing on barley, wheat and triticale. What sets SECOBRA apart from other breeding companies is its unique ownership model. SECOBRA Research is owned by […]

Dealing With Ergot

The toxic alkaloids in ergot pose a risk to human and animal health, so there is little or zero tolerance from either food or feed buyers. Growers face fall-back costs for removing ergot samples or, worse, complete crop rejection. Certified seed offers some reassurance to reduce risk, as does applying a suitable seed treatment, but […]

Agrii Colour Separators Busy Removing Ergot

Unfortunately, there are few homes for ergot-contaminated grain, so for those affected, the cost and inconvenience of cleaning and segregating contaminated samples has been significant. Removing ergot from contaminated grain requires specialist colour separation equipment. This is a service that Agrii undertakes most years but demand this season has been exceptional. While we endeavour to […]

Investing In Mobile Seed Cleaners

The fleet is central to Agrii’s desire to meet customer demand for a timely and efficient service. Most growers use a combination of certified and home-saved seed. Certified seed provides access to the latest varieties and is preferred by those wanting to buy-in seed. Home-saved seed ensures you have full control of your seed production […]

Good yield and sound agronomics make Fitzroy a solid performer

Across 2,500 acres of owned and contract-farmed land, A & R Fraser seeks to achieve a balance of crops that ensure a balanced workload and a respectable return for its clients. Delivering this involves all members of the family from brothers George and Jonny and parents Andrew and Rosalind. The rotation is based around combinable […]

Farm-saved seed the ‘safety-valve’ for farmers

Farm-saved seed will be an invaluable service for many existing and new growers come this autumn. There is huge pressure on the national certified seed-crop after the most challenging autumn and spring conditions in recent history. The seed area is significantly down and yields expectations are much lower than normal year. This is compounded by […]

Seed Select: Unearthing Top Varieties for Autumn

With the launch of the new recommended list for cereals and oilseed rape in November 2023, Agrii’s seed experts Rodger Shirreff, national seed business manager, John Miles, seed technical manager, and David Leaper, seed technical specialist, share their opinions on this podcast and look into what’s new. We have brought you the key take homes […]

Priorities for Farm-saving Your Spring Barley

Following the atrocious conditions last autumn, most certified spring seed was sold out well before Christmas. Even then, the eventual supply of certified seed is still subject to germination, and there have already been some widespread issues caused by the difficult harvest last year. That leaves farm-saved seed as almost the only possible option for […]

Spring Seed Yearbook: The must-have variety guide for 2024

Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Agrii Spring Crops Yearbook, your go-to resource for information on topics related to spring seed. This year, we are delighted to report a significant increase in the number of customers benefiting from our reserved seed offer. At Agrii, we take great care in selecting varieties that are in […]