A Potential World Record Oat Yield

Happy Days Farming in Lincolnshire has achieved a remarkable oat yield that is double the national average. Supported by Agrii agronomist Stuart McDowall and top-quality seed from Cope Seeds, this incredible harvest results from the perfect combination of seed variety, nutrition, and some unusually heavy rainfall. The total area harvested for Spring Oats on the […]

Get RHIZA weather stations and soil moisture probes via FETF118 grants

The FETF118 funding opportunity makes now an ideal time to invest in this innovative technology. What is the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF)? The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) is a £14 million fund established by the UK government to support investments in equipment, technology, and infrastructure that improves farm productivity and protects […]

Case Study: Reaping the benefits of a different approach

George Fraser of A&R Fraser has worked hand in hand with Todd to adopt a direct drill system, transforming their farming operation. Their journey began when George’s home farm was sown using a Weaving GD direct drill, and cover crops were integrated into the rotation. A&R Fraser contract farms 3,000 acres across Wiltshire and Dorset. […]

Farmers Weekly Awards Winners

Agrii customers win major farming awards. It was a night of celebrations at the Farmers Weekly Awards in October as Agrii customers returned with Arable Farmer of the Year and Diversification Farmer of the Year. Neil White farms Greenknowe Farm in the Borders and won Arable Farmer of the Year. The farm totals 238 Ha […]

Photo ID to be required to buy ammonium nitrate

The Home Office has amended the Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023 to introduce new substances to the lists of regulated explosives precursors and poisons, including Ammonium Nitrate based fertiliser with a nitrogen content of 16% or more. This applies to compounds, blends and mixtures such as NPK fertiliser containing ammonium nitrate above […]