
Autumn 2024

SECOBRA Research is a specialist plant breeding company established over 120 years ago by the French Brewers and Maltsters Association.

The name SECOBRA stands for Société d’Encouragement à la Culture d’Orges BRAssicoles (Company for the Promotion of Malting Barley). SECOBRA operates breeding programmes in France, Germany, Scandinavia, Australia and the UK, focusing on barley, wheat and triticale.

What sets SECOBRA apart from other breeding companies is its unique ownership model. SECOBRA Research is owned by the industry it serves, with major shareholders including Soufflet, Malteurop, the Carlsberg Group, and the Maltsters & Brewers Associations of France – all of whom have a vested interest in malting barley.

The partnership between Agrii and SECOBRA Research dates back to the 1990s, leading to the successful development of varieties like Dickens, Memento, and Explorer. This collaboration extends beyond variety development to include joint efforts in trials and equipment, reflecting a strong alignment in values and goals.

In 2017, SECOBRA Research launched its UK spring barley programme in Lincolnshire, emphasising scientific approaches and pure plant breeding. This programme has already yielded promising varieties such as Soccer, Hurler, and Spinner, with newer varieties like Belter and Diviner currently undergoing macro-scale testing by some of the UK’s leading maltsters for brewing and distilling. Additionally, there is a strong pipeline of varieties progressing through UK national listing trials and beyond.

We are enthusiastic about the future of malting barley in the UK and are proud to be part of a growing market that benefits farmers, distributors, maltsters, brewers, distillers, and consumers alike.