
Autumn 2024


ICL polysulphate is primarily a sulphate fertiliser that contains potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It is derived directly from the natural mineral polyhalite, which is mined, crushed and screened at Boulby Mine, North Yorkshire and then distributed around the world.

Independent trials show the benefits of autumn-applied Polysulphate.

New trials suggest that an autumn application of ICL Polysulphate multi-nutrient fertiliser to supplement conventional spring timings can increase wheat yields by 0.3t/ha and significantly decrease leaching of N and P over the winter months.

PolyPower: Combining the unique benefits of Polysulphate & Micro-Match molybdenum

  • An even coating of molybdenum on every granule of Polysulphate for optimum distribution in the soil
  • Dual-acting forms of molybdenum for immediate and sustained nutrient release
  • Stimulates nitrogen uptake, which optimise grain protein, crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency
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Trial work in molybdenum: Evaluating the effect of molybdenum as a fertiliser coating on yield and NUE

Crop: Winter wheat
Location: Yorkshire
Date: 2021
Site: Clay loam, pH 6.8, soil Mo < 0.01mg/l (guide 0.4mg/l)
Soil Mo level is low


  1. Standard fertiliser programme (seedbed P f/b NS top-dressing), zero molybdenum
  2. Standard fertiliser programme plus MICRO-MATCH molybdenum coating on spring NS compound
Figure 1: A 2021 trial in Yorkshire on soil with low levels of molybdenum (< 0.01mg/l (guide 0.4mg/l)) comparing a standard fertiliser programme with and without a MICRO-MATCH coating on the spring NS compound fertiliser

Key points:

    molybdenum increased yield by 1.1% compared to controls
    molybdenum increased NUE by 5.4%
    molybdenum gave a return on investment of 2:1