The Home Office has amended the Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023 to introduce new substances to the lists of regulated explosives precursors and poisons, including Ammonium Nitrate based fertiliser with a nitrogen content of 16% or more. This applies to compounds, blends and mixtures such as NPK fertiliser containing ammonium nitrate above the 16% nitrogen content threshold.
The new rules requires all businesses supplying Ammonium Nitrate products to professional users and other businesses to take additional steps to verify the legitimacy of the individual or business. This is defined as being provided a photo ID.
This ID can be for anyone working for the farm business who is authorised to make the purchase.
The new legislation takes effect on all orders placed or delivered from 1st October 2023.
As this is a legal requirement, we will not be able to deliver any product until we have the photo ID on file.
The supplied document will be held for a period of 18 months as per the legislation after which it will be deleted from our records and another requested at or before any subsequent order.
We are developing a process to facilitate the collection and storage of the identification documents that will be smooth and create very little inconvenience for customers.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your local Agrii contact or email info@agrii.co.uk.