
Summer 2024

The latest Agrii Mobile (based in East Anglia)


Select your best field for farm saved seed – and earmark it!

  • Discuss early with your agronomist or local FSS contact


  • Ergot is a key consideration and this can lead to crop rejection
  • Evident within the growing crop before and after harvest
  • Heavily infected crops should be discarded but lighter infection can be partially cleaned-out by your mobile
  • Aim for no more than 2 ergot pieces per kilogram which is the minimum C2 certified-seed standard

Don’t disregard weedy seed crops!

  • Our FSS cleaning machinery can separate out most weed species including back-grass. The only problem weeds are those with similar seed size e.g. cleavers, brome, wild oats

Get a bolder seed sample

  • Farm saved seed has the advantage of improving the boldness of the grain sample via cleaning
  • The harder you process it, the better the sample
  • No wastage as screenings are returned to the heap

Importance of seed health

  • Seedling blight is the main consideration for wheat seed. Use prothioconazole-based sprays at T3
  • Bunt (wheat) and loose smut (barley) should not be a major issue provided that seed crop was treated with a base-fungicide
  • The use of a fungicide seed treatment will provide good control of all of these diseases

Consider nutrient seed treatments

  • Prolonged rain fall means soils are depleted of nutrients
  • 7 years of trials have demonstrated the benefits of nutritional seed treatments on early growth and yield e.g. manganese (iMan), Zinc & Copper
  • These more than cover their cost across all soil types
Would you be interested in learning more about carbon credits and how you can generate additional revenue?

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A likely busy season ahead… get in touch early!

Please get in touch with your Agrii agronomist, Crop Input Specialist or your local Fam-saved Seed coordinator or for more information. Alternatively, contact Mark Taylor, National Farm Saved Seed Business Manager on 07836 527251 or e-mail