Specifically, DEFRA are introducing four new actions and supplements for businesses using precision farming.

- Scheme rates will increase by 10% on average.
Existing SFI or Countryside Stewardship agreements will have uplifts applied automatically.- 50 actions will be launched in the summer, which will allow access to scheme funding for things like precision farming and agroforestry for the first time. The new actions improve the offer for all farm types, but especially those on moorland and grassland.
- Farmers will get paid more for existing actions to maintain habitats, with the price of maintaining species rich grassland rising from £182 to £646 per hectare.
- More actions will be available for shorter three-year agreements, allowing greater flexibility.
- Up to five multi-million pound contracts, with an initial value of up to £15 million, will be awarded to promote crop innovation.
- From summer, there will be a streamlined single application service for you to apply for SFI and CS Mid-Tier actions.
- SFI agreement holders who entered into an agreement in 2023 will be able to either upgrade their existing agreement or apply for, and enter into, a separate 2024 agreement.
Variable rate application of nutrients | NEW | 3 years | £27 per ha | Precision farming variable rate technology is used to apply nutrients on arable, horticultural land or improved permanent grassland, to match the nutrient needs of crops for different areas within land parcels. |
Camera or remote sensor guided herbicide spraying | NEW | 3 years | £43 per ha | Automated camera-guided or remote sensing technology is used to precisely target application of contact herbicides to control weeds on arable land, permanent crops or permanent grassland. |
Robotic mechanical weeding | NEW | 3 years | £150 per ha | Robotic mechanical weeding technology is used for precision weed control on arable and horticultural land. |
Robotic non-mechanical weeding | NEW | 3 years | £101 per ha | Robotic non-mechanical weeding technology is used, such as laser or electric weeders, for precision weed control on arable and horticultural land. |
Whilst we continue to wait for more detail on how to access these payments, be sure to check the latest information on Environmental Land Management payments and other schemes by visiting the DEFRA website or contacting Paul Pickford at paul.pickford@agrii.co.uk
If you aren’t already taking advantage of RHIZA precision/variable rate nutrition and seed services and wish to, please contact us at info@rhizadigital.co.uk. Alternatively, you can visit our website at www.rhizadigital.co.uk/contact-us